Your higher self
You have a higher self. Not the kind of ‘higher’ an addict would think of at first! If we reason critically we will find many facets of ourselves that we never know existed, components within ourselves that we haven’t ever explored. If we engaged in psychoanalysis with each other, even on a basic level, we would without doubt find out more about ourselves. We would find elevated, privileged parts of us that we never knew existed. Thus the challenge I put before you today is to find these superior levels – find your higher self. Not the one you try and create with drugs or alcohol. Perhaps it is time to search a little more intimately into yourself?
Firstly, let’s not get fancy. If you are to find your higher self what will it mean for you as a person. Will things be easier for you to do? Will you handle situations like a pro? Will you walk a straight line and find what it is you are looking for? Well, what do you think? Think about all the religions of the world, all the spiritual passages people venture down. There are the Tibetan monks involved with Buddhism, thousands of ‘spirituality’ sects all of whom claim to be holistic and offer wellness and spiritual growth on a new inspired level. These people use the term holistic far too freely, as most or none truly have a complete system by which they work. Even people who do karate or practice the ancient skill of martial arts Kung Fu try and use a ‘higher’ side of themselves to accomplish their tasks.
Osho, in his book Creativity, states that “When your ego disappears; you are healed, you are whole – the ego is your disease…when ego disappears you are no longer dormant, you start flowing with the immense flow of existence”. You see, ego is addiction. It is separation; it likes to work on its own searching ceaselessly for control and power through rationalizations. Rather, the realization is that we are all part of something bigger than ourselves. It is not an Indiverse or Egoverse, it is a Universe.
For help finding your higher self contact Pathways Plett Rehab Centre.