Don’t worry, be Happy

Don’t worry. Be Happy

For a person who has experienced a substance abuse problem, positive psychology offers a rewarding and meaningful direction for the future and an acceptance of the negative aspects of their life to date. A person should be grounded in the present and experience the occurring emotional and physical changes if he or she wants lasting recovery from addiction. This ‘Don’t worry be Happy’ attitude can help to reduce anxieties and stresses, which can cloud a person’s judgment and dampen efforts to change behaviors. Life after all can be difficult! So difficult that if a friend says Don’t worry. Be Happy, you just might want to smack him in the face! But remember this:

To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing

its best day and night to make you like everybody

 else means  to fight the hardest battle which any

human being can fight and never stop fighting.- e. Cummings.

We have a philosophy at Pathways. Don’t worry be Happy. Be yourself. You can only begin to know whom you really are when you face adversity or trial; it is where we reveal ourselves and where we grow. When you are in the lowest of lows the greatest shift to highs, as life intended, becomes possible. It is only in suffering and times of trial that we clearly see who we are and perceive how high we can rise. If it’s at all possible to see past your pain into the short term, the self discovery in the long term can be supernatural. Remember that. Learning the Don’t worry be Happy philosophy is a good chunk of what the 12 steps are about, especially if we keep it simple!

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We grow when we’re low. We grow when we don’t worry, after a bout of worrying, if that makes sense. In other words we grow when we move beyond things. Beyond the worry. Then we can start to feel some happiness flourish. It sounds simple, but takes lots of practice. Being low is one of those unfortunate parts of life that we do not understand, and don’t want to either. It is when we worry and are unhappy for a time. We shy away; cringe, from anything that may make us feel low. We all want to live a Don’t worry be Happy lifestyle! Drugs and alcohol are one way people try and make it a reality. There is a trick to it is one that arguably may take a lifetime to master, but it is possible to use to prepare for occurrences and events, both good and bad.

The apostle Paul, who wrote a great deal of the New Testament, about two thirds of it, said that he learned  to treat times of good and bad equally; both the same. The good news teaches us one big issue and screams ” hey you there, Don’t worry be Happy! Paul was at a stage in his life where if he went through a trial, and how he did, he remained almost as calm and collected as if he were going through an easy period. In other words he didn’t freak out, loose his peace, when the muck hit the fan. That’s it, as Rudyard Kipling said, : If you can meet with triumph and disaster and treat those two impostors just the same…” Anxiety and fear that overwhelms us serve no purpose whatsoever. Most of our worrying is done for situations that never even materialize.

Don't worry. Be Happy

To learn how to Don’t worry be Happy yourself get in touch with Pathways Drug rehab Centre. We are here to help.