Becoming Conscious

Becoming Conscious through addiction

“Our unconscious is wiser than

we are about everything”.Scott peck.

You are capable of miracles. Life itself is nothing short of miraculous. With this knowing, and your becoming conscious of it all, here your journey begins. Are you ready to leave all addictions behind you? Getting to the point, first off you need to become conscious, fully conscious and aware of everything that is going on both around and within you. Staring from the cells, alive and well within your body, right through to the daily expansion of the universe at large; it is all part of you and it is all your business. I urge you, free your mind, right here and right now, this is the journey of a lifetime, it is not just any old trip we are embarking on here, it is a glimpse into the universe. Consciousness is the awareness that you have about yourself and your environment. Becoming conscious of what you do and why you do it, is aparamount to a life of recovering from drug, alcohol food or other addictions.


Are you fully aware of everything that is going on both around you and within you that you should be aware of? What is it you are thinking about right now? Are there any consequences to this thought? Any purpose to them at all? Have you asked yourself what are you looking for in this book? What is it that you need and want from the experience?  Chances are that right from the get go only about ten percent of yourself is consciously here with me. The rest is off elsewhere, as it always is, sheltered in between thousands of racing thoughts that speed through your mind. Part of you is in the past, wondering why, and part of you is in the future; already picking up the kids from school. You are not all here, I do not have your undivided attention. Now, couple this with addiction and it’s traits of obsession and compulsion and so on and we have unmanageability!

Learn the art of clean living, of living through depression, through disorder, through conflict and addictions of all kinds, through pain and through your rock bottom. email us, come stay with us. Grow and heal with us @Pathways