In his book “The Greatest Miracle in the World” by Og Mandino, we see how easily it is, along the path from youth to adulthood, to perceive a reality that is anything but reality. Choice itself is an act of choosing between two or more possibilities. Sounds simple doesn’t it? Yet, there are reasons why we do this, or that. Why we act in a certain way. Why we do what we do, over and over again. Choice comes into it, even though it can fade out of ones reality for a time. Addiction is a disease of the brain, and here all choice is perhaps removed. Or is it so, and is this state of being permanent? Nevertheless, choice seems a loyal friend, who seems to vanish and then comes back, again and gain to offer us another way. A better way. Even one better than our own. Choice and addiction always go hand in hand, even amid the storms of unmanageability and insanity that addiction brings with it.
As we mature in recovery we learn to define our varying emotions, this helps us define the concepts of choice and addiction. In early recovery it’s not unusual for emotions to be all mixed up; therefore we are unable to understand the subtle shadings between feelings. But it is important to recognize these differences so we can begin to take care of ourselves. We will never be without feelings, and we can’t necessarily control them. But we learn in recovery that when we take responsibility we have more Choice and addiction than we may first recognize. Sometimes, choices we never dreamed we’d have.
Once we admit we’re out of control we may begin having a sense of control. Powerlessness means that as a practicing addict we didn’t have a choice of behaviour. Our addiction forced us o behave the way we did. If we believe that we chose to act the way we did, hurting ourselves and others, we’ll feel shameful. What kind of people would wilfully hurt themselves and others? Only bad people, is the logical answer. But if we believe we behaved harmfully because of our addiction, then we’re still acceptable people and deserve recovery – and help from other recovering addicts. The choice is ours. Remember, though, that even if our behaviour resulted from our addiction, we’re still responsible for our actions.
I gave you … the power to choose – Og Mandino.
With this gift I placed you even above my angels … for angels are not free to choose sin. I gave you complete control over your destiny. I told you to determine, for yourself, your own nature in accordance with your own free will. Neither heavenly nor earthly in nature, you were free to fashion yourself in whatever form you preferred. You had the power to choose to degenerate into the lowest forms of life, but you also had the power, out of your soul’s judgment, to be reborn into the higher forms, which are divine.
I have never withdrawn your great power, the power to choose.
What have you done with this tremendous force? Look at yourself. Think of the choices you have made in your life and recall, now, those bitter moments when you would fall to your knees if only you had the opportunity to choose again.
What is past is past … and now you know the fourth great law of happiness and success … Use wisely, your power of choice.
Choose to love … rather than hate.
Choose to laugh … rather than cry.
Choose to create … rather than destroy.
Choose to persevere … rather than quit.
Choose to praise … rather than gossip.
Choose to heal … rather than wound.
Choose to give … rather than steal.
Choose to act … rather than procrastinate.
Choose to grow … rather than rot.
Choose to pray … rather than curse.
Choose to live … rather than die.
Now you know that your misfortunes were not my will, for all power was vested in you, and the accumulation of deeds and thoughts which placed you on the refuse of humanity were your doing, not mine. My gifts of power were too large for your small nature. Now you have grown tall and wise and the fruits of the land will be yours.
You are more than a human being, you are a human becoming.
You are capable of great wonders. Your potential is unlimited. Who else, among my creatures, has mastered fire? Who else, among my creatures, has conquered gravity, has pierced the heavens, has conquered disease and pestilence and drought?
Never demean yourself again!
Never settle for the crumbs of life!
Never hide your talents, from this day hence!
Remember the child who says, “when I am big boy.” But what is that? For the big boy says. “when I grow up.” And then the grown up, he says, “when I am wed.” But to be wed, what is that, after all? The thought then changes to “when I retire.” And then, retirement comes, and he looks back over it and somehow he has missed it all and it is gone.
Enjoy this day, today … and tomorrow, tomorrow.
You have performed the greatest miracle in the world.
You have returned from a living death.
You will feel self-pity no more and each new day will be a challenge and a joy.
You have been born again … but just as before, you can choose failure and despair or success and happiness. The choice is yours. The choice is exclusively yours. I can only watch, as before … in pride … or sorrow.
Remember, then, the four laws of happiness and success that apply to choice and addiction.
Count your blessings.
Proclaim your rarity.
Go another mile.
Use wisely your power of choice.
And one more, to fulfill the other four. Do all things with love … love for yourself, love for all others, and love for me.
Wipe away your tears. Reach out, grasp my hand, and stand straight.
Let me cut the grave cloths that have bound you.
This day you have been notified.
From the book “The Greatest Miracle in the World” by Og Mandino
Contact Pathways Plett Addiction Treatment Centre, for assistance with addiction treatment.