In Step 1 of the 12 Steps of Addiction Treatment, we confront the fact that our attempts to follow the directions of our self-centered ego have been futile. It has led us into insanity, unworkability, suffering.
Call Now 082-442-4779 or email Healing Addiction though Shame and powerlessness Two words that both put people off right there and then, […]
Pathways Drug Addiction Rehab Centre Call Now 082-442-4779 or email The double bind of addiction is an emotionally distressing dilemma in communication in which an individual (or […]
Addiction Treatment that works AA says that alcoholism, and by extension any drug addiction, addiction or acting out, is fundamentally irrational, mad, […]
ADDICTION RECOVERY A common misconception in the recovery community is not using drugs, drinking alcohol or acting out on behaviors equals recovery. […]