Creativity and consciousness



Watch a movie or read a book and that is what will be influencing your present thought patterns; consciously and unconsciously, the present is all powerful – master it. You are liable to think about what you are busy with, quote from it, act on it and so on until it fades from consciousness, from present usefulness.  So it makes sense to practice all things sobriety. If you think of something it grows instantly and continues to for as long as you keep thinking about it.


Carl Jung said that “When an inner situation is not made conscious, it appears outside as fate”.  This is why it is so important that we begin this journey entirely aware of our roles, our influence and our power.  We need to willfully bring to consciousness our ‘inner situations’ and use what they offer wisely.


We need psychic mobility to discover and rediscover ourselves. Our responses to the circumstances in life must be creative in themselves.  We have all allowed ourselves to believe in limits and boundaries. As addicts we define what we are capable of from a young age and build on these limiting definitions throughout our lives. By the time we reach adulthood, we are pretty sure that we know ourselves well enough to not go out of our depth. If we stray we could get hurt. We have spent much of our time solidifying our strengths and staying right within those boundaries, seldom venturing into anything unknown.


Express creativity and you will begin to learn that all things are indeed possible. Anything you can think of can be done. Transversely anything you think is impossible, or out of your range, cannot be done, you have attached doubt to it. How on earth would the mind, as mechanical, possibly begin to set any wheels in motion with that notion?  If you put out impossible you can only get back impossible. This is what you’d call relativity. It will help you overcome addiction. It will also help you live the promises of recovery. You have, so far, been comfortable with hanging onto your dreams in your mind. Keeping them sacredly private, completely away from reality, from the present and off in some distant place.