Compulsion and excess
Compulsive behaviors and addictions may provide a person with a sense of power, euphoria, confidence, validation, or other feelings that may otherwise be lacking in their lives. They fill empty holes in people’s lives, they don’t just appear gratis. Psychotherapy is designed to help people identify uncomfortable feelings and sources of distress in order to change and grow. People who struggle with compulsion and excess, and addiction, are unlikely to conquer those behaviors unless they work to address the underlying causes of their addictive and or compulsive behaviors, such as trauma, stress, past abuse, and other emotional issues. Bringing them to the surface is a way to break the cycle of addiction and any kind of compulsion and excess issues that one may have.
Understanding obsession, compulsion and excess
Obsessions are involuntary thoughts, images, or impulses that occur over and over again in your mind. You don’t want to have these ideas, but you can’t stop them. Unfortunately, these obsessive thoughts are often disturbing and distracting.
Compulsions are behaviors or rituals that you feel driven to act out again and again. Usually, compulsions are performed in an attempt to make obsessions go away. There is a causal circularity to compulsion and excess and addiction that needs to be broken in order for things to change. One needs to connect the dots in order to make positive life changes. Each case is of course unique.
Excess is defined as an amount of something that is more than necessary, permitted, or desirable. It is the state of surpassing or going beyond limits; the being of a measure beyond sufficiency, necessity, or duty; that which exceeds what is usual or proper. Addiction can simply be defined in one way as making short-term, impulsive choices that have long-term negative consequences. Usually these are made with little or no emotion or feeling. Emotion and feeling is something that addiction tries to suppress. For a while it succeeds too! It stands to reason, then, that continuously living life immersed in overdrive could reasonably be considered addictive behavior. Today, more and more people are doing just that, and regularly confess to being stretched or totally stressed out. Yet, they continue to pile on the excesses of information, obligations, over-commitments, and instant gratifications at the expense of their physical, emotional and spiritual health.
Become aware to avoid compulsion and excess
Become conscious and be purposeful in thought. Awareness is a massive first step in recovery. It’s opposite is denial and unawareness. Become mindful rather than mindless to escape both compulsion and excess in your life. The only way to ensure that you are living a purposeful life, day to day that ultimately leads to the maximum level of fulfillment and actualization as possible, for yourself and others, is through awareness. Step 1: We admitted….we became aware. You cannot begin to have direction if you do not know what direction is or why you ultimately need it. Denial of that awareness won’t help either.
Seeking help with addiction, compulsion and excess
We know just how much courage it takes to challenge your obsessions and compulsions. These symptoms can be powerful, and a tentative commitment for change will not be enough. Winning the battle requires that you be persistent in following a new plan of action. Again and again, people with compulsion and excess have proven that they can improve their lives dramatically by actively following through on their decision to give up their obsessions and compulsions. You too can join them by searching inside for strength and determination.
There’s no need for you to tackle your problem alone. If you are hesitant to begin the program, or if you start losing your momentum after a few weeks, then seek the help
“Of all the clues God left for us
To find, the greatest is the
Light, the Shekhinah.” – Deepak Chopra
Remember, as we always say at Pathways Plett Rehab…the truth will set you free.
email and continue your healing life journey with us.
The answer to a life of compulsion and excess is peace.